2025 BWR North Carolina
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Winston-Salem Gran Fondo

Winston-Salem Gran Fondo Results 2013

The inaugural Gran Fondo took place last Saturday (June 15th), North Carolina's first Gran Fondo. Ex-professional George Hicapie lined up with hundreds of amateur cyclists at the start in downtown Winston-Salem.

Ex-professional Robbie Ventura started proceedings and set off the riders - who had chosen to ride courses of 35 miles (Mini Fondo), 52 miles (Half Fondo) and the 82 mile Gran Fondo.

The Winston Salem Cycling Classic is a new cycling festival. The charitable event sees 100% of net proceeds go to charity, 50% go to help war wounded military. Apart from the Gran Fondo there was mens, womens and juniors criterium races.

Link to Gran Fondo Results - http://swagger.gobike1.com/site/results/winston-salem-cycling-classic/

For more information about the Winston Salem Cycling Classic weekend, please go to - winstonsalemcycling.com



Tag: winston-salem
Apr 20 2014 - NEWS: Winston-Salem Gran Fondo
Apr 20 2014 - RESULTS: Winston-Salem Gran Fondo
Jun 17 2013 - RESULTS: Winston-Salem Gran Fondo