Real West Gravel Grinder - March 16, 2025 - Pendleton OR
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Menomonie Gran Fondo

Leon Van Bon Rode Menomonie Gran Fondo

Ex-professional cyclist and 2 times Tour De France winner Leon Van Bon lined up with hundreds of amateur cyclists at the weekend to take part in the Menomonie Gran Fondo - part of the Nature Valley Cycling Festival.

On the same day as the pro's on stage 5 and the same bicycle-friendly roads of western Wisconsin - amateurs were able to test themselves on the demanding, hilly route. 

The Gran Fondo included a Sports Beans King/Queen of the Hill Time Trial, with chip timing to identify the fastest climber up the showcase summit - Star Hill -  with a 17% grade for large sections of the near 1km distance. 

Then they were able to enjoy the Pros race on the thrilling finishing circuits in downtown Menomonie afterwards.

The results of the Sports Beans Kin and Queen of the Hill Time trial will be posted here this week, please check back.



Tag: naturevalley
Jun 17 2013 - NEWS: Menomonie Gran Fondo
Jun 20 2014 - RESULTS: Nature Valley Menomonie Gran Fondo
Jun 17 2013 - RESULTS: Menomonie Gran Fondo