2025 BWR North Carolina
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Thousands of Cyclists Support Grand Defi Pierre Lavoie in Quebec City

Thousands of Cyclists Support Grand Defi Pierre Lavoie in Quebec City

Thousands of cyclists supported those who rode over 1000km into Quebec City to Montreal last weekend in the La Boucle Gran Fondo as known as "The Loop". 

The 135k ride (83 miles) allowed 3,000 participants from the general public to join the squad for a tour of 135 km from Quebec City to Levis.

Friday morning, 1,000 participants left La Baie , Saguenay, and ended the day in Saint-Tite.Arrival is scheduled for Sunday at Parc Jean-Drapeau in Montreal. Many cyclists have suffered hypothermia on arrival, but the efforts of these brave athletes have not been in vain: $ 1.2 million was raised this year, 1263 schools have participated in the Challenge. 

The goal of the Grand Challenge is to motivate young people to move to adopt healthy eating habits and succeed in school, while raising money to support projects on these issues and fund research on diseases.