2025 BWR North Carolina
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Prospera Valley Gran Fondo Registration Opens

Prospera Valley Gran Fondo Registration Opens

The organizers of the Prospera Valley Gran Fondo are pleased to announce that registration is open.

Whether you are new to Gran Fondo or a returning lover of this ride, we have made it even more accessible for you but making this the most affordable GranFondo around!! Last year nearly 1,100 participants, with the support of 300 volunteers, experienced an epic journey through the valleys, flatlands and mountain summits of Canada’s finest cycling landscape…the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Come back and join this amazing group ride adventure.

The Prospera Valley Gran Fondo has routes of (160km), Medio Fondo (88km), and Presto Fondo (50km). Take part in the largest mass-participation cycling event in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. The Fraser Valley, long known as the road cycling mecca of British Columbia is once again the location for what will become one of Canada’s premier cycling events

Included with each registration:
- A pair of cycling socks provided by CODE SPORTS ($15 value)
- A timing chip and bike plate
- A musette bag full of sponsor gifts
- Unparalleled on route mechanical and medical support
- Food, drink, and support at six aid stations
- Dedicated lanes, closed roads, rights of way and a entirely traffic managed route
- A complimentary post-ride meal
- A fine craft brew courtesy of Central City Brewing Co.(for the riders over 19 years of age)
- A participation medal designed by the Kwantlen First Nation

2014 Entry Fees:

Early Bird – Dec. 1 to Jan. 5 @ noon
Granfondo - $135
Mediofondo - $120
Prestofondo - $100

Regular - Jan. 5 @ noon to May 1 @ noon
Granfondo - $165
Mediofondo - $145
Prestofondo - $115

Last Chance - until July 13th @ noon
Granfondo - $190
Mediofondo - $160
Prestofondo - $155

This event is for the community. 50% of all net proceeds of the 2014 Prospera Valley GranFondo will go to support the vision and programs of the Special Olympics of BC.

Click here for more details and link to registration.