Tour de Whatcom - September 14th, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Gold Country Gran Fondo

Great Start for Gold Country Gran Fondo

Last weekend saw the the running of the inaugural Gold Country Gran Fondo around the Sierra foothills. Rides choosing from 3 distances of 38, 68 and 104 miles.

All 3 routes included a lot of climbing and the 104 mile Gran Fondo route was very tough with around 12,800 feet of climbing.

Guest of honour was no other than cycling legend George Hincapie who rode with brother Rich Hincapie.

The dry start was unfortunately interrupted with rain, but this didn't deter rider's enjoying and completing the event.

The organisers would like to thanks all the volunteers, sponsors and riders for making the inaugural event such a success.

Be sure to look out for this event next year!

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