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Alé La Merckx to Host UEC European Granfondo Championships

The 16th edition of the Alé La Merckx international cycling granfondo will host the Union Européenne de Cyclisme 2023 Granfondo and Medio Fondo Championships

Alé La Merckx to Host UEC European Granfondo Championships

The international event in Verona offers two routes: a Granfondo and a Medio Fondo.

On the finish line, set for both at “Le Torricelle”, the numerous fans will also see the arrival of the new UEC European Granfondo and Mediofondo champions.

The 16th edition of the Alé La Merckx granfondo cycling race, scheduled to start from Piazza Bra in Verona on Sunday, 11 June 2023, will also be the only European stage for the assignment of the Union Européenne de Cyclisme (UEC) Granfondo and Mediofondo Championship jerseys.

Dedicated to the 'cannibal' Eddy Merckx, the granfondo is also named after the famous cycling clothing brand Alé, which has also signed a partnership with the UEC to supply the jerseys for the UEC European Championships in all disciplines.
A wonderful cycling event, that leads to cycle from Verona through the mountains and hills of Lessinia, amid alpine pastures and vineyards, Verona’s international granfondo offers two routes: a long one of 129 km with an altitude difference of 2,600 m and a medium one of 82 km with an altitude difference of 1,450 m.
For both circuits the finish line is set uphill, at 'Le Torricelle'. It will be here, on this famous 4.5-kilometre-long stretch with an average gradient of just short of 5%, that the numerous fans at the finish line will also see the arrival of the new UEC European Granfondo and Mediofondo champions. The titles, for men and women, in each category will be awarded. The UEC European Champion jersey is worn by the first-place finishers, these will also be awarded a gold medal, while the second and third place finishers will be awarded, respectively, the silver and bronze medals.
The basic registration fee for the Ale La Merckx automatically includes participation in the UEC event. 
Registration is possible until Saturday 10 June 2023.
The 16th edition of the Alé La Merckx granfondo cycling race, scheduled to start from Piazza Bra in Verona on Sunday, 11 June 2023
Alessia Piccolo, CEO of APG S.r.l to whom Alé belongs: "We are happy to host this great event once again in Verona, where the best granfondo and mediofondo cyclists compete for the European champion's jersey. I will be personally waiting for them on the podium to hand them the Alé UEC European Champion jersey. The Alé La Merckx granfondo hosts almost 2000 enthusiasts every year. It is a unique route: the lush green vineyards, the technical but not demanding climbs, the hills, and of course the wonderful “city of lovers”. The addition of the UEC granfondo/mediofondo championships is a further feather in our cap, making it an unmissable event!"
Enrico Della Casa President of the Union Européenne de Cyclisme: "The European Granfondo Championship now represents one of the reference points for the mass cycling events movement, a steadily growing sector, as proved by the extraordinary success in terms of participation that all our events reserved to masters cyclists registered so far, from cyclocross to the various mountain bike disciplines."
"The Granfondo Alé la Merckx is one of the excellences of the Granfondo movement, it takes place in an enchanting area that offers participants an infinite number of sporting, cultural and tourist opportunities, such as the wonderful location of Piazza Bra, in front of the famous Arena, which will host the start of this historic championship."
"I would especially like to thank the Alé company, which has been our partner for many years now, its CEO Alessia Piccolo, for the passion and enthusiasm with which they have welcomed this event, the City of Verona, with its Mayor Damiano Tommasi, that is always demonstrating sensitive attention to the sport of cycling, and the Italian Cycling Federation with its President Cordiano Dagnoni."
For further information, please visit: https://www.alelamerckx.com