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More women rode the Gran Fondo Andrey Amador in Costa Rica

More females participated in the Gran Fondo Andrey Amador than ever before seen in a road cycling event in Costa Rica

More women rode the Gran Fondo Andrey Amador in Costa Rica

Among the 1,117 women who participated were elite cyclists, an Olympic cyclist, a Miss Costa Rica, and an impressive para-athlete.

Cristel Espinoza was the winner of the elite category. Other elite athletes who stood out include Milagro Mena and Adriana Vargas.

Leonora Jiménez not only organized the event but participated as well. She also took part in two other demanding mountain bike events in Costa Rica.

Milagro Mena, Olympic cyclist in 2016, participated in the race and the logistics of the event. “I try to enjoy it and be part of the fun that cycling is,” she said. 

Para-athlete Heidy Arias explained that the event supports people with disabilities and breaks down barriers. 

Costa Rican Gabriel Rojas celebrated his 23rd birthday by winning the 160km Gran Fondo. Tour de France champions Alberto Contador rode and newly retired professional Vincenzo Nibali was the fastest of the ex-pros, finishing 61st in 3h 29m with an average speed of nearly 46 kph

Cycling is becoming a favorite sport in Costa Rica. 5,000 cyclists participated in the race. We haven’t seen that many in an event in Latin America, not even in Columbia or Mexico.

2023 Gran Fondo Andrey Amador results here.


Tag: granfondoandreyamador
Feb 14 2023 - NEWS: More women rode the Gran Fondo Andrey Amador in Costa Rica