Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025
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Register Now for the 40th Honolulu Century Ride

Join us for the largest bike ride in Hawai‘i, the 40th Anniversary of the Honolulu Century Ride on Sunday, September 24, 2023

Register Now for the 40th Honolulu Century Ride

Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Oahu from the green mountains to the blue oceans, you’ll be riding with great sights all day. This out and back ride starts at Kapiolani Park and follows the coast around Makapu‘u Point, up the windward coast past Kualoa Ranch, and to the 50 mile marker at Swanzy Beach Park.

There is something for riders of all abilities. Your ride, your choice; there are 25 mile, 50 mile, 75 mile, and 100 mile turnaround options available. Refreshments, snacks and mechanical support will be at all aid stations. If you want to see the whole course and only bike 50 miles, there is a “Bike and Bus” option that will shuttle you back to the start from the 100 mile turnaround point.

Registration includes an event t-shirt, fully supported aid stations and SAG, course marshals, and live entertainment at the finish area. We are also including a virtual option for the first time which includes an event t-shirt, commemorative bib number, and a HCR sticker.

Proceeds from the event support HBL’s mission to enable more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.

For more information, please visit: or click the button below to register now:

Tag: honolulucenturyride
Mar 31 2023 - NEWS: Register Now for the 40th Honolulu Century Ride
Sep 28 2025 - EVENT: Honolulu Century Ride