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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> New Utah bill could could mean the end of off-road racing

New Utah bill could could mean the end of off-road racing

A new Utah bill could eliminate mountain bike and gravel racing in the state by imposing a 20 mph speed limit on all trails and pathways

New Utah bill could could mean the end of off-road racing

SB0212, sponsored by Sen. Jen Plumb, aims to revise the definitions of electric motorcycles, e-scooters, mini-bikes and ebikes, and requiring helmets for anyone under 21.

It would mean slowing bicyclists and mountain bikers down on all trails and many pathways with no speed limits currently and all mountain bike trails.

Thus eliminating mountain bike racing and gravel racing in Utah.

It would also create problems for any cyclist going a downhill where speeds of 20 mph are easily reached.

The bill is set for a hearing in the Senate Transportation, Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 3:40 PM in
220 Senate Building at the Utah State Capitol.