Colnago Gran Fondo National Series Launches Event Safety Plan
The first events of the 2021 Colnago Gran Fondo National Series are approaching, and we know cyclists are excited to get back out there and participate
In light of the rapidly-changing nature of public health policies, the 2021 Colnago Gran Fondo National Series (GFNS) are preparing a spectrum of ride formats for each event, ensuring they can hold anything from a mass start, traditional Gran Fondo to completely individual challenges!
Based on guidelines from national and local health officials, GFNS will present the event formats that align with community disease transmission risk.
The intention of GFNS is to hold all eight owned events and 4 partner events on their scheduled weekends.
Traditional Gran Fondo (mass start)
Socially Distanced Gran Fondo (wave starts in groups of 25)
2-Day Supported Gran Fondo
Solo Fondo
Driveway Challenges (offered for all events)
Based on guidelines from national and local health officials, we will present the event format that aligns with community disease transmission risk as below. Notifications about event format will posted 30, 14, and 7 days prior to each event.
Event Format Updates
Local health policies can change quickly, meaning GFNS may be required to modify the event format at the last minute. However, our intention is to provide riders with advanced notice of the planned event format 30 days, 14 days, and 7 days prior to the scheduled event date. These notifications will be emailed to registered participants and clearly posted on the event web page.
Packet Pickup
Safety procedures will be in place for packet pickups, including social distancing, mask requirements, and enhanced cleaning procedures. In some instances, a Friday drive-thru packet pickup option will be available. Event-specific details will be provided to all participants prior to their event.
Start Formats
Traditional Gran Fondo: Mass Start
Socially Distanced Gran Fondo: Wave Start in groups of 25 riders. Riders can sign up for start times. Gran Route departs between 8-9am, Medio Route departs between 9-10am, Piccolo Route departs between 10-11am. Masks will be required.
2-Day Supported Gran Fondo: Start any time after 6am on Saturday or Sunday. Course open and chip timing active from 6am - 6pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Solo Fondo: Start marked course any time Saturday or Sunday. Record ride via Ride with GPS Experience.
Traditional, Socially Distanced, and 2-Day Supported event formats will feature chip timing for timed segment competitions. Solo Fondos will be timed via Ride with GPS file uploads.
Aid Stations
Traditional, Socially Distanced, and 2-Day Supported event formats will include aid stations with nutrition, hydration, mechanical support, and restrooms. Aid stations will include hand sanitizing stations, volunteers with masks and gloves and single-serve food and beverages. High-touch areas and surfaces will be cleaned frequently. There will be lines to receive food and water to ensure practice of physical distancing protocols. Recycling and trash bags will be tied and disposed of properly. Solo Fondos will not have staffed/stocked aid stations; suggested locations for DIY food/water stops will be provided.
Mechanical Support
On-course mechanical support will be available during Traditional, and Socially Distanced event formats. Limited mechanical support will be available during 2-Day Supported Gran Fondo. No on-course mechanical support will be provided during Solo Fondos. As always, although our support partners will do their best to assist as many riders as possible, all riders should be prepared to be self-sufficient.
Finish Area/Expo/Party
Traditional post-event features (finish area, meal, expo, podiums, raffle) will only be held when public health guidelines allow for unrestricted gatherings. For Socially Distanced Gran Fondo we will have alternative finish line procedures, meal/beverage coupons or pre-packaged options, no expo, socially distanced podiums, and we will announce raffle winners via email/social/website. For 2-Day Supported and Solo Fondo formats, there will be no finish area gatherings and both competition results and raffle winners will be announced/notified by email/social/website.
Awards and Podiums
Riders who finish in the TOP 3 in a competition category (overall by course, age groups by course and sex) in a Traditional, Socially Distanced, or Solo Fondo event will be notified by text/email/social/website and receive non-cash awards. Live awards ceremony will be held for Traditional and Socially Distanced events. Riders who choose not to attend will receive awards via mail.
Prize Raffles
Any rider who completes any 2021 GFNS event format on the scheduled weekend will be eligible for the raffle associated with that event. Live prize raffle will only be held during a Traditional Gran Fondo. For all other event formats (including Driveway Challenges), raffle winners will be selected using randomization software, winners will be announced via email/social/website, and prizes will be sent by mail.
Driveway Challenges
The Driveway Challenge is not a competition, it is a goal-oriented ride you can complete anywhere (just sign up and go ride your bike from anywhere). The Driveway Challenges will be held in conjunction with all 8 GFNS events in 2021 and will be tracked through and open to those who cannot, or wish not to, travel to an event and ride the official routes. Rides can be completed from your driveway (or any other starting point). Goal options based on distance or based on elevation gain will be offered. Registration will be required, riders will receive swag bag and any raffle prizes won via mail.
Registration Prices Increase January 11th!
Earlybird prices for all 2021 Colnago Gran Fondo National Series events expire Sunday night, January 10. Sign up today to take advantage of the lowest entry fees of the year!
Starting with Gran Fondo Florida in San Antonio, FL on March 21 and finishing the season in California with The Jensie Gran Fondo in the fall, the 2021 Colnago Gran Fondo National Series includes eight events:
Gran Fondo Florida | March 21, 2021 | San Antonio, FL |
Team Type 1 Tour of Georgia Gran Fondo | April 18, 2021 | Helen, GA |
Highlands Gran Fondo | June 6, 2021 | Butler, NJ |
Gran Fondo Asheville (2021 USA Cycling Gran Fondo Championships) |
July 18, 2021 | Asheville, NC |
Boone Gran Fondo | August 1, 2021 | Boone, NC |
Golden Gran Fondo | August 29, 2021 | Golden, CO |
Gran Fondo Maryland | September 19, 2021 | Frederick, MD |
Jensie Gran Fondo | September 26, 2021 | San Francisco, CA |