Gran Fondo Hincapie Merced - March 15th 2025


Tour Tioga Gran Fondo

September 06 2025
Owego NY
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Distances: 10, 30, 62 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

Tioga derives from the Haudenosaunee and means “at the forks”, describing a meeting place. That is just what the Tour Tioga Gran Fondo embodies: a place to meet, celebrate, and have fun! This event boasts three routes including 10, 30, and 62 mile loops around the hills of Tioga County featuring stunning views of the Susquehanna River, picturesque farmland, and includes some of the most beautiful small towns in New York State.

You’ll have the chance to ride, fully supported, over some of the most scenic country roads in the state. Craft breweries? Check. Restaurants? Check. Farm-tours, historic downtowns, museums, B&B’s, a river-walk, hiking, and dice rolling at the casino are all part of the local experience. The area is the Southern Gateway to the Finger Lakes where you get your fill of authentic, small-town charm with all the big-time fun of a sanctioned event.

There will be premium swag, chip timing, roving-mechanical support, and police control, but that’s not what this event is really about. While this unique Gran Fondo holds its own against any other ride in the country due to its amazing routes, the best reason to sign up is the support it provides to Tioga Opportunities, Inc., a community-action non-profit agency that provides services to residents of Tioga and surrounding counties.

For more information about Tioga Opportunities, Inc. and what the agency does (and what it is all about!) please visit

Tour Tioga Gran Fondo

Start Located At: 359 Hickories Park Rd, Owego, NY 13827
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607-786-4222 ext. 303

Challenge ride starts 8:30am, Adventure ride starts 9:00 am, Family ride starts 9:30am

Registration Fees

Challenge ride $75, Adventure ride $50, Family ride $30


Meal and music

Packet Pickups

At Pavilion #3 in Hickories Park

Prize / Race Categories

Top three finishers in each distance will be presented at the bandshell with a medal

Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
First Aid
Escort / Police Escort
Roving Mechanical Support
After Party
Course Timing
Finishing Medals
Results Within 24 Hours
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry