Farm to Fork Fitness Advetures - Find out More!

The Rule of 399

January 24 2026
Bentonville AR
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Distances: 35, 65 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

$3.99?  The (not so) fine print:

BikeReg will charge you $47.79 ($43.80 + $3.99 service fee) and after you check in on race day, you’ll be refunded $43.80.

Why are we doing this?  We have a limited number of spots and want to make sure we can get as many people who want to be at the event- at the event.  You know how it goes, if its FREE there’s no obligation to show up…….so, if it's a bit too chilly for you the morning of race day or perhaps you made some bad choices the night before and don't show up-you won’t be refunded.  But check in on race day and you’ll be refunded $43.80.  

If something comes up between now and then and you realize you can’t make it anymore you can remove your registration and someone on the waitlist will take your registation. If you have a friend who wants your spot, have them hop on the waitlist.   Last day to remove your registration will be Wednesday, 1/18/23 @ 8pm.

If you don’t show up on race day or you forget to check in, no refunds will be issued.  You must check in BEFORE the race to be refunded.

Check in = refund.  No check in = no refund.

Any money collected will be donated to our good friends at Pedal it Forward.  They bring bikes and smiles to people in need right here in our community.  Donations help go towards buying parts and new bikes. Check out their website to find out how you can donate your used bikes, money or your time:

Please note:  The courses will NOT be marked and will be self supported.  The routes will be sent the week of the Rule of $3.99.  You must have a GPS computer or old school directions written down to navigate.  

Courses will include:  Tarmac, gravel and singletrack.  One bike.  Race or don’t race.  Enjoy the day the way you see fit.  No podiums, just unofficial finish times on Strava.  

The Rule of $3.99

Start Located At: 801 SE 8th St, Bentonville, AR 72712
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Alert Us

-Free food and event insurance brought to you by our presenting sponsor: Ozark Outdoor Foundation. 

-Free Bike Rack beer brought to you by Allied Cycle Works.

-Free ENERGY (espresso) from Rapha.

-Live music and fire pits brought to you by Bike Rack Brewing with tasty s'mores from Chamois Butt'r!

-Good times with friends and soon to be new friends!
