Real West Gravel Grinder - March 16, 2025 - Pendleton OR

Homegrown Gravel Adventure

February 22 2025
Franklin GA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 30, 62, 100 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 600 Participants

Homegrown Gravel Adventure is a lovingly handmade gravel grinder that straddles the border of Alabama and Georgia. The gravel is vastly different between these two states, and the charming name belies the hardships ahead: the mental struggle to keep your legs going forward, and the physical battle of your bike withstanding the punishment of the terrain you’re riding.


WHY HOMEGROWN: For those of us who pine for the wild days of independent gravel cycling, for all who miss the sense of community we used to get from being part of an event that belonged to itself and not The Man, Homegrown is bringing it all back in style.

With just one nominal entry fee, a portion of which supports local charity, this rare event gives you two—count ‘em—two distinct types of gravel roads in one ride, and both are a blast.

We’re inviting you to kick off 2025 the only way that makes any sense: tired and dirty, with a big bowl of chili, surrounded by a bunch of cycling-obsessed weirdos just like you. Warm up for the long gravel season ahead by choosing your intensity from our three equally gorgeous route options (30/4062100) that hug the border of Alabama and Georgia

Speaking of warming up, locals already know what we’re talking about, but if you’re reading this from the wicked tundra north of Tennessee, get the hell out of the cold and join us! Our worst-ever weather is still, like, one thousand times better than whatever February hellscape you’re dealing with up there. Hop an easy flight into the world’s most efficient airport, take a scenic hour’s ride south, and you won’t even have to eat each other to survive!

Homegrown Gravel Adventure

Start Located At: 102 Main Street, Franklin, GA 30217
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Registration Fees

Early registration costs: Until 09/30/24

Costs: $70
Juniors: $25

Cost: 10/01/2024

Costs: $85
Juniors: $40



When you register, you’re not just signing up for a race or ride; you’re signing up for an experience. Your registration includes a Dope Rider t-shirt, Morning Snacks & Coffee to fuel your start, Ample Parking for easy convenience to the festivities, SAG Support for any on-road assistance, Aid Stop Food and Drink to keep you hydrated and energized, a Post-Ride Meal and Drink to replenish your energy, Post-ride Entertainment to keep the fun going, and a Post-Ride Drawing for a chance to win exciting prizes. Registration also includes as much Kick-a$$ Photography and Video as our crew can manage to get. All images are uploaded to the Homegrown site for free download.

The post-ride meal is a feast! We will have plenty of vegetarian and meat options, soups, chili, sides, fruit, chips, and snacks. Each registered rider will get two trips through the food line and three trips through the beverage line. (Then until we run out once everyone is full and happy) If you’re bringing guests who want to eat too, you can order an extra meal ticket for them too.

Camping: We’re excited to be able to add camping for both tent and RV this year. 

Packet Pickups

Two chances for early packet pick-up this year. 

Thursday: 4:00 - 8:00PM

Ethic Creative Works - 1608 Cleveland Ave, East Point, GA 30344

Friday: 5:00 - 8:00PM

Downtown Franklin, GA - Following a shake-out ride. More info to come once the Ride Bible is completed. 

Day of Packet Pick-up and Day of Registration:

7:00am - 10:30am - Please arrive at least an hour early to pick up your number and swag. 

Day of registration is only if event is not sold out. Please arrive at least an hour early to register. 

Prize / Race Categories

Prize / Race Categories

Men & Women Open, Non-Binary, Masters 40-54, & Masters 55+ Men & Women, SingleSpeed and Junior Boys and Girls fields for the 62-100 Mile Distances.

62 & 100-mile distances: Hand-crafted custom Honeypot trophy for first place in each category, plus handmade medals for 2nd and 3rd thanks to Grouchy Ass Pottery Studios. 

30/40-mile is a timed ride only 

Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Roving Mechanical Support
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Bike Festival
After Party
Free Training Rides
Course Timing
Category / Race Prizes
Finishing Medals
Results Within 24 Hours
Downloadable GPS files
Finish Line Chute
Feed / Aid Stations
Pre Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Number of Aid Stations: 4
Feb 22 2025 - EVENT: Homegrown Gravel Adventure