2025 Gran Fondo Hincapie Series

The Truffle Shuffle

February 21 - February 22 2026
Stillwater OK
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Distances: 60 min
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

The Truffle Shuffle: A One-Hour Endurogrind for Absolutely No Reason. 150 riders, 60 minutes. Will you be the guardian of the SEVENTH-ever Truffle Trophy? Race to find out!


"The Truffle Shuffle" is an aptly named left-turn-obsessed 1.5 mile route that runs from the gravel on 44th & Brush Creek to 47th to Longview to the pavement on 44th and then back onto Brush Creek gravel.

Riders will begin at the top of the infamous "Inspiration Point" hill, turn left onto 47th, left onto Longview, left onto 44th, and once again onto Brush Creek to complete the loop. (You always climb the hill—you never get to go down.)

Expect things to happen. Crazy things. Things beyond your wildest fears. Eliminations. Exaggerations. Terrapin Stations. The finalized RULES LIST will be released within the coming weeks, so stay tooned.

RideWithGPS (so you don't get lost): https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31910750

NOTE: While these are lowER-traffic roads, there may still be TRAFFIC. Volunteers will be located at pertinent points with signs to alert motorists--however, BE SAFE and AWARE when making your turns. In particular, the turn from Longview onto 44th (gravel to pavement) is one to be aware of and thus will be appropriately staffed.


There are prizes. Oh yes. All TRSH registrants will be entered to win a FREE entry to MidSouth 2024. Wow! 

This is our second-ever edition with CATEGORIES! The top rider in each category will win a Category Award AND ALSO have a chance at the Truffle Trophy of Champions. 

Boozy (and alcohol-free) handups will be provided to riders at the top of Inspiration Point; add a little fire to your tire!

We are inviting the kind people who live on Longview to come out and heckle you as you rip by.

All participants get a sticker, free beer and non-alcoholic bevs, a plate of DELICIOUS homemade BBQ made by our very own This Land BBQ (owned by Stillwater locals Anthony and Alexis Croff!), and additional mysterious (but totally awesome) swag.

The Truffle Shuffle

Start Located At: 4409 S Brush Creek Rd, Stillwater, OK 74074, USA
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Prize / Race Categories

There are prizes. Oh yes. All TRSH registrants will be entered to win a FREE entry to MidSouth 2024. Wow! 

This is our second-ever edition with CATEGORIES! The top rider in each category will win a Category Award AND ALSO have a chance at the Truffle Trophy of Champions. 

Boozy (and alcohol-free) handups will be provided to riders at the top of Inspiration Point; add a little fire to your tire!

We are inviting the kind people who live on Longview to come out and heckle you as you rip by.

All participants get a sticker, free beer and non-alcoholic bevs, a plate of DELICIOUS homemade BBQ made by our very own This Land BBQ (owned by Stillwater locals Anthony and Alexis Croff!), and additional mysterious (but totally awesome) swag.
