Get Your Pride and Joy Properly Covered!

Halloween Victory Tour

October 25 2025
Parkesburg PA
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Distances: 30, 50 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs


This scenic ride begins and ends at Victory Brewing Company in Parkesburg, Pennsylvania and will highlight the Enola Low Grade Bike Path.


This ride begins and ends at Victory Brewing Company, and travels through Lancaster and West Chester counties. The routes are almost entirely on rural roads and bike paths. The Enola Low Grade Bike Path is approximately 5 miles from Victory Brewing.  THE 50 MILE ROUTE HAS MORE GRAVEL, HILLS AND SCENIC ROADS IN ADDITION TO THE ENOLA BIKE PATH.


Distances are the Halloween Victory Tour XL (approx 50 M) and the Halloween Victory Tour Lite (approx 30 M).  
Please note: routes are subject to change. Routes are not considered final until they are sent out to pre-registered cyclists following the close of pre-registration. DO NOT BELIEVE THE RIDE WITH GPS ROAD vs GRAVEL it is NOT accurate.  Believe us when we say - PLEASE DO NOT choose a road bike for this event. A gravel bike or mountain bike with a less aggressive tread would be the best choice. 


It is Halloween and we encourage all riders to wear a costume! Best Costume Contest! Two Winners, all riders are welcome to participate, so lets have fun!

All riders will receive a ticket for 1 free beer and post ride snacks and a rider gift.  Stocked aid stations and a well marked course as well as great riding scenery!
GPS Files/Cue Sheets:
Final Cue Sheets and GPS files/Maps will be emailed to riders within 24 following the close of online registration.
Please be advised that route changes may be made depending on local requirements or local road conditions.
The route will be well-marked, however, you are ultimately responsible, so please download maps and cue sheets and GPS files.  We will NOT have Cue Sheets for you at the event, please print your own or download the PDF file of the cue sheet and save paper.

This year, know that whatever route you ride, you'll be supporting Velo Amis and our Mission. We love the Enola Low Grade Trail and have donated many bike fix-it stations along the trail and have made significant donations to all of the Enola Trail Funds in all townships along the trail. We will continue our support of the Enola Low Grade Bike Trail as well as our support for the Hellbenders PICL Team and others. We hope you enjoy this trail and we will support the trail with donations of more fix-it stations. Please read more about Velo Amis and our Mission and who we Support.  


Start Located At: 3137 Lower Valley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365, USA
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Registration 9 am - 9:55 am

All Riders must depart by 10 am

Registration Fees

Ride is limited to 300 riders
Sorry, no refunds. Please see Route Change & Transfer Information below to see your options.  We are a 501c3 organization and your entry fee becomes a donation. Please purchase insurance through BikeReg if you are looking for a refund option.

Early bird pricing: $55 
Mid Price starting 7/1/23: $65
Regular Pricing starting 8/1/23: $75
Day of Registration if available $90
19 and Under $15
Military or First Responders - Contact Us for $15 registration

Sorry, no refunds will be available.
Transfers between cyclists are allowed via BikeReg and can be done by the registered cyclist for a $5 fee until pre-registration closes.  Category changes are allowed at no charge and can be done by the registered cyclist until pre-registration closes on BikeReg, and at the event.


The 30 M route will have 1 aid station. 
The 50 M route will have 2 aid stations.
Aid stations will be well-stocked with goodies to keep you moving through the route.
The route will be well-marked, however, you are ultimately responsible, so please download maps and cue sheets and GPS files (will be sent to registered riders once online registration closes).  We will NOT have Cue Sheets for you at the event, please print your own or download the PDF file of the cue sheet and save paper. The event director may alter the proposed routes due to acts of nature, road closures, and/or local recommendations. 
Remember, this is not a RACE. Enjoy a ride taking in the history and culture of Lancaster and West Chester counties with your friends, family, and perhaps new friends you meet along the way. We are riding on routes / bike paths that have many other users.  
