Click here to register for the 2025 Marin Century

Fulton Surface Sampler

July 12 2025
Minneapolis MN
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Distances: 50, 87 miles
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills

Online Registration Deadline: Thursday, Jul 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM CT

As opposed to a set start time, the Fulton Surface Sampler will be using a rollout window of 8:00am to 10:00am. Check-in will be held at the Fulton Taproom from 7:30am to 10:00am the morning of the ride, and our rest stop in Victoria at 25 miles (and then again at 62 miles for the 87 mile route) will be open from 9am to 3pm. We'll have a bike corral available at the taproom block party after the ride running from Noon to 8pm that's free for all registered riders, and your first beer upon arriving back at the taproom is on us! Choose your route, plan your day around your desired pace and the hours we'll be staffing the stops and bike corral, and enjoy the ride! 

Fulton Surface Sampler

Start Located At: 414 N 6th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA
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