2025 TransRockies Gravel Royale

Coconino Stage Bikepack

October 10 - October 13 2025
Flagstaff AZ
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 250 miles
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills

The Coconino 250 is a self-supported stage bikepack event/race. The usual rules for self-supported bikepacking apply, with one exception: there are locations on the route where stopping is allowed and as long as the rider is in that “rest” area, the ride clock is not ticking. There are 4 stages, with 3 “stage stop” locations. Each rider’s time will be computed based on the total time on course minus the total time spent in designated stopping locations.

The 250-mile route has about 40-50% singletrack, some of which is quite technical, and the rest, dirt road riding. Hike-a-bike is purportedly kept to a minimum, and the total ascent is about 28,000 feet. The route goes from Flagstaff to Sedona to Mingus Mountain to Williams to Flagstaff.

Coconino Stage Bikepack

Start Located At: The Place 21 S Milton Rd Flagstaff, Az United States
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Oct 10 2025 - EVENT: Coconino Stage Bikepack