2025 Oregon Gravel Series

PanFlorida Challenge Cancer Ride

April 05 2025
Naples FL
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Distances: 10, 30, 62, 100 miles
Strap on your helmet, gather your cycling pals, and unite in the fight to combat cancer.

Join us on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park in Naples for a fun-filled day of cycling, entertainment, and camaraderie at the 2024 Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride. It is going to be a memorable one as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary as a nonprofit organization.Though we have fed thousands of children and continue to support life-saving cancer research at Moffitt Cancer Center, there’s more work to be done. We need hero cyclists like YOU to pedal and take action.
Here’s what you should know: The Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride is a non-competitive ride geared for all skills and abilities. Cyclists will depart in the morning from Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park, completing a 10 mile, 30 mile, 62 mile, or 100 mile route.
What else can you expect?
• Pan-Florida Challenge Swag Bag (PFC branded jersey from Voler for 62 and 100 mile riders, PFC t-shirt for 10 and 30 mile riders, stickers, socks, medals, and more.)
• Pre-ride celebration with fellow cyclists and guests. Enjoy top notch music, food, and cocktails.
• Support vehicles and mechanics to help with flat tires, broken chains, etc.
• Welcoming volunteers cheering you on throughout the ride.
• Opportunity to honor a loved one with signage at the finish line.
If you are unable to join us in person, consider registering as a virtual rider. Virtual riders may select their own activity to raise money for the cause through their network of friends and family.Cyclists in the Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride commit to a fundraising minimum specific to the route selected. The dollars raised support cancer research, education, and the development of new treatments, at Moffitt Cancer Center, named in Newsweeks’ 2023 list of “America’s Best Cancer Hospitals.” Proceeds also help provide cancer-fighting weekend backpack meals to 2,500 children every Friday. School counselors report that Power Pack kids have better attendance, earn better grades, visit the school nurse less, and receive fewer behavior infractions. Now that’s impact! 
Watch a recap of the 2023 ride here: https://vimeo.com/823033365

Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride

Start Located At: Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park, 810 39th Ave NE, Naples, FL 34120
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8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
