Tour de Whatcom - September 14th, 2025


Lake Chelan Tour

September 26 - September 28 2025
Chelan WA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 77, 154 miles

Come join us for a weekend of riding around beautiful Lake Chelan. This will be a fun way to wind down the season with some great rides along the lake, through vineyards and orchards, and in the surrounding canyons. Multiple route distances will be offered each day ranging from 37 miles with an elevation gain of 2,800 feet to 56 miles with 5,000 feet of climbing and will include SAG support with a scheduled food stop during the rides. These rides will cover much of the route used for the Lake Chelan Century Challenge held in late summer, including the signature climb up McNeil Canyon, so use this weekend to test your fitness. Ridership is capped at 200 riders, making for a delightfully social and close-knit experience.

Rides each day will start at  the northern parking lot of Don Morse Park in downtown Chelan with a group briefing. You are not required to ride each day, but please check in at the start for each day that you do ride. 

Lake Chelan Tour

Start Located At: Don Morse Memorial Park, 485 W Manson Hwy Chelane, WA 98816
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Lunches are provided. You can refill your water and electrolyte bottles and enjoy light snacks that will power you for the second half of the ride. Fare includes energy bars, chips, nuts, fruit, and sandwiches from local caterers.

Gluten free and vegan snacks and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are available.

You'll also enjoy a pie stop on Day 2. Pick up your free pie ticket at the morning meeting.

We'll organize social events at local wineries and restaurants on Friday and Saturday evening, but you'll pick up your own tab.

Support for Participants
Route Signposted
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations
Sep 26 2025 - EVENT: Lake Chelan Tour