Levi's Gran Fondo, April 19 2025, Windsor CA - REGISTER NOW and SAVE!


Limestone City Fondo

August 23 2025
Bath Ontario
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Distances: 34, 62, 100 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 150 Participants

Route Options and start times: 161km 7:30am, 100km 8am, 60km 8:30am

Route description: Take advantage of Loyalist Townships pristine asphalt for routes along the waterfront of Hay Bay and Lake Ontario.  See below for links to Ride With GPS links.  Also, downloadable .gpx files that can be loaded into GPS bike computers giving riders turn by turn instructions in real time during the ride.  The course will be marked, but make sure to download course maps or familiarize yourself with the routes before ride day.

Ride Description: This ride is not intended to be a race.  Although there is not a set pace or pace groups, the intention is for it to be a fun ride with friends old and new.  The vision is not to restrict pace but also not to encourage racing.  Ideally small or large groups of similar abilities will form within each ride distance and everyone will have fun riding with others.  The event is not to be an officially timed event and there will be no awards or podiums based on finish time, age groups etc. 

Event Description:  The after ride party will include food and drink for all participants including a meal choice and beverage choice of 1 alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage. 

Time Trial Bikes will not be permitted at this event.

Minimum age of participation is 12 years old and minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to participate.

LCC Fondo

Start Located At: St Johns Hall, 216 Church St, Bath Ontario
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Registration Fees

$55.00 CAD until Aug 1st, $65.00 CAD until August 17th


Food, Drink, Swag

Packet Pickups

Ride day morning

Changing Rooms
Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
First Aid
After Party
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry