Farm to Fork Fitness Advetures - Find out More!

Jackalope Race

November 17 2025
Las Cruces NM
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 27, 54 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

The first edition of the JACKALOPE RACE will take place in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, November 17, 2024. Race begins in south Doña County from Vado towards Mesquite and Las Cruces. Race time is 8:30 AM. This is a long distance easy course challenge for MTB and GRAVEL.

Consider it a mountain fondo by completing two laps (approx. 60 miles) or half (about 30 miles). High speed easy ride. Soft sand and even looser gravel with some chunk. Hydration check points provided to help you go the distance. GRAVEL course differs slightly. GRAVEL podium available for top 5 in each distance. MTB podium for overall top 3 male and female in each distance, and top 3 in each age/gender group. SINGLE SPEED category also available! Reduced fees for riders 18 and under. FIRST 100 REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE A T-SHIRT.

Jackalope Race

Start Located At: High Valley Road, Vado New Mexico 88007, Las Cruces, NM 88001
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Nov 17 2025 - EVENT: Jackalope Race