Gran Fondo Hincapie Merced - March 15th 2025

Marcha Ciclodeportiva La Foguera

January 31 2026
Canals Spain
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Distances: 107 km
Difficulty: Gently rolling terrain with one or two short hills

Trifitness31, with the collaboration of the City Council of Canals (Valencia), organize on Saturday, February 1, 2025 the I La Foguera Cyclosports March. It is the first race of the VUELTA CICLODEPORTIVA VALENCIA, a circuit of seven marches that will take place throughout the year.

The race will be held in the town of Canals and the roads that run through the towns of Bellus, Beniganim, Lloc Nou, Enova, Manuel, Pobla Llarga, Alberic, Tous, Sumacarcer, Navarres, Bolbaite, Chella, Anna and Alcudia de Crespins, starting and finishing in Canals.
It is a winding route of 107 km. with a total difference in altitude of 1,450 meters.

Marcha Ciclodeportiva La Foguera

Start Located At: Av. Jaume I, 40, 46659 Canals, Valencia
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