e-Fondo Series - Get Fit Now!

Bridger Canyon Century

August 23 2025
Bozeman MT
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 79, 100 miles
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills
Limited to: 100 Participants

The full Century is a challenging paved loop that starts at Story Mill Park in Bozeman, travels north along the Bridger Mountains to Wilsall, then turns south through Clyde Park to Livingston, and returns to Bozeman over Bozeman Pass and Jackson Creek Road. It includes some hills (4700 feet of climbing), stunning scenery, and likely afternoon winds over Bozeman Pass.

An 84-mile alternative return route from Clyde Park via Brackett Creek Road is also available. This alternative route is shorter and avoids the Bozeman Pass “wind tunnel” but has the same total climbing as the full Century.

Self-serve refreshments will be provided on both courses (at the Crosscut Nordic Center in Bridger Canyon and the Malmborg Schoolhouse on Jackson Creek Road), but riders should plan to self-support or purchase their preferred refreshments in Clyde Park or Livingston.

Three Rivers Century

Start Located At: Story Mill Park, Story Mill Road, Bozeman, Montana
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605-641-8084 or 907-720-9168

the ride will start at 8 am


There will be breakfast goodies and fresh coffee at the start. Also aid station at Crosscut parking lot for the Brackett return group, and aid station at the Jckson creek school for the 100miler

Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
SAG Wagon
Feed / Aid Stations
Pre Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Number of Aid Stations: 2
Aug 23 2025 - EVENT: Bridger Canyon Century