e-Fondo Series - Get Fit Now!


Big Dam Bridge 100

September 27 2025
Little Rock Arkansas
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 15, 26, 50, 75, 105 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

The Big Dam Bridge 100 is an annual event in central Arkansas that celebrates the "Big Dam Bridge" over the Arkansas River. The 4226-foot bridge is the longest bridge built for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in North America. It connects over 40 miles of scenic riverside trails between Little Rock and North Little Rock. It also serves as the backbone for connecting over 70,000 acres of various city, county, state & federal parks.

The BDB 100 offers several routes ranging between 15 and 105 miles, with beautiful mountain and river scenery, as well as a few challenging hills on the longer routes. The event provides participants with well-marked courses, fun aid stations with foods and liquids, great volunteer support, event t-shirt, a unique finisher medal, post-ride food and drinks along with a unique finish-line experience.

15 mile ride:
• This is a family friendly ride and the riders will be able to access aid stations at mile 7 and mile 11
• The 15 mile riders cross the Big Dam Bridge at 6 miles
25 mile ride:
• The 25 mile riders cross the Big Dam Bridge at 6 miles
• You will be able to access and aid station at mile 7, mile 13, mile 18 and mile 22
• The 25 mile riders will use the Maumelle Aid Station as a turnaround point
50 & 62 mile ride:
• The 50 & 62 Mile riders cross the Two River Bridge first at roughly mile 7
• Your first aid Station will be in Two Rivers Park at roughly 10 miles
• The second aid station will be at mile 20 in Roland
• For the 50 mile riders your 3rd station is the Roland Station again, after doing the 300/Roland cut off loop
• The 62 milers will access their next station at Little Italy roughly 31 miles
• The 62 milers will hit the Roland Station at 40 miles
• Both the 50 & 62 will next return to the Two Rivers park Station at 40 and 52 miles respectively
• Both the 50 & 62 will cross the Two Rivers Bridge and then the riders will cross the Big Dam Bridge
• Both the 50 & 62 will access the Burns Park at 46 miles and 58 miles
100 mile ride:
• The 100 mile riders cross the Big Dam Bridge at 6 miles
• Aid Station located at the follows mile markers:
o Station #1 - 7 miles
o Station #2 - 13 miles – Closes at 9:45 am
o Station #3 - 24 miles - Closes at 10:15 am (average pace: 9.6 MPH )
o Station #4 - 31 miles - Closes at 10:45 am (average pace: 9.6 MPH)
o Station #5 - 45 miles - Closes at 11:45 am (average pace: 10 MPH)
o Station #6 - 55 miles - Closes at 12:45 pm (average pace: 11 MPH)
o Station #7 - 68 miles - Closes at 2:00 pm (average pace: 11 MPH)
o Station #8 - 79 miles - Closes at 3 pm (average pace: 10 MPH)
o Station #9 - 88 miles - Closes at 3:45 pm (average pace 10.4 MPH)
o Station #10 - 96 miles - Closes at 4:00 pm (average pace 10.6 MPH)
• All Riders must clear Station #9 by 3:45 pm. Those not clearing this station by 3:45 pm will be provided a shuttle bus ride back to the finish area
• All riders must clear Station # 10 by 4:00 pm. Those not clearing this station by 4 pm will be provided a shuttle bus ride back to the finish area
• Finish line officially closes at 4:30 pm. All law enforcement personnel between Burns Park and Finish Line will be released at 4:30 pm
General info: The 62 mile and 100 miles routes both climb and descend Wye Mt on HWY 300. There is a roughly 4 mile section that has several tight downhill curves. This area is scheduled to be signed with large yellow signs denoting this. For your safety we ask that you please watch your speed through this area.
Route Signage: We make significant efforts to provide signs on the course so that it is easy to follow. We cannot be all places at all times and occasionally we have vandalism on the course, where signs are stolen or changed. Sag and Mechanical Support on the course: Each Aid Station has bike tubes in the most popular size and a tire pump. Feel free to use these. If you are between stations and need support please let an event staff know and we will notify the mechanical support vehicles. Please note - it may take 30 minutes or so before one arrives once they are notified. This is for emergency mechanical support not a convenience store delivery service. We will have Sag support on all the different distance routes. If you find yourself unable to continue we will pick you up. Once we
are aware of the need for a pick up, it may take us 30 minutes or so to get to you. Depending on where you are in the course you may be taken to an aid station that has a schedule shuttle bus back to the finish area. We ask for your patience.
After the Ride…..Enjoy complimentary food and beverages along Main Street in North Little Rock at “Finale Fest”, sponsored by the Argenta Arts Council until 4 pm. Also available are showers, entertainment and other cycling friends. Restaurants, shops and bars are open during this time, so please go in and enjoy the hospitality of the Argenta Community.
If you would like to meet Professional Cyclist George Hincapie one-on-one, purchase a ticket to the Ace “Big Wheel” Reception at the Argenta Community Theater where you can have lunch, beer, wine, sodas, massages and time to meet one of the biggest names in cycling. The reception is from noon – 2:30pm.
Start Located At: 398 Riverfront Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas
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Sep 27 2025 - EVENT: Big Dam Bridge 100