2025 L'Etape Denmark - June 28th

Bay to Bay Ride

June 22 2025
Betterton, Maryland, USA
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Distances: 26, 50, 85, 102 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 500 or less Participants
The Chestertown Lions Club welcomes cyclists to the summer’s bicycling challenge, the Bay to Bay Jim Gent Memorial ride. The tour consists of four routes between 26 and 102 miles in length. The flat loop routes take in the scenery of the heartland of the Upper Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware including farmlands, old country homes, quaint towns, and great country stores. The 26 mile ride goes through historic Chestertown for those who want a less challenging ride. Spend the day touring the town, then return to join your friends at the beach. Temperatures of late June lend themselves to a pleasant swim in the Chesapeake.

Bay to Bay Ride


Start Located At: 2 Howell Point Road, Betterton, MD 21610
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Registration Fees

$35 until May 15 / $40 May 16 until June 16 / $50 June 17-23


Fee includes map, marked route, sag wagon and five food/drink stops
Blind riders ride for FREE

Packet Pickups

Route maps available at registration.  Please check in at the registration area at the start and finish of the ride. We would like to be assured you have a safe tour.  Helmets required for all riders. The wearing of audio headsets is prohibited.

Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Route Card
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations