Gran Fondo Hincapie Merced - March 15th 2025

Ride Around Torch

Ride Around Torch

July 20 2025
Elk Rapid MI
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 26, 40, 63, 100 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 1,000 or less Participants

The Ride Around Torch is an annual one-day 26, 40, 63, or 100 mile bicycle tour primarily along the scenic shores of Torch Lake, Michigan's longest and one of its most beautiful inland lakes with unusually clear, bright turquoise hued waters. Several villages and hamlets lie along the lake's shore including Alden, Eastport, Clam River and Torch River.

You will enjoy a recreational, social tour that is neither a race nor a test of strength, although the very hilly 100 mile route can be a challenge.

The 26 mile ride is an out and back around the north end of Elk Lake through Torch River to the food stop at Crystal Beach Park. It features the same hills and flats of the other routes only less.

The 40 mile ride extends the 26 mile ride from the Crystal Beach Park food stop, by going east, then north through the charming village of Alden, toward Clam River, before looping back to the Crystal Beach food stop. The route will then rejoin the 26 mile route to the post ride picnic in Elk Rapids.

Our signature 63 mile ride circles Torch Lake passing through Eastport, Clam River, Alden and Torch River with hills, flats, scenic views and multiple food stops. A shortcut is available that reduces the ride to just over 50 miles.

The 100 mile ride is a challenging century with the rolling shoreline of Torch Lake, numerous extreme hills and then some. Racing clusters are not recommended.

Ride Around Torch

Start Located At: Elk Rapids High School, 620 East 3rd Street, Elk Rapids MI 49629
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Detailed route maps and cue sheets provided
Roving SAG support
Great snacks at food stops
Lunch will be a wonderful catered buffet at the end of the ride at Veteran’s Park in Elk Rapids. The menu includes: Burgers, Bratwurst, Vegan Veggie Burgers, Red Skin Potato Salad, Italian Pasta Salad, Creamy Coleslaw, Fresh Fruit, Black Cherry Ice Cream and Lemonade.
Showers back at the School until 4:00 pm.
Swimming at the Village Beach on East Bay
Free camping the night before the ride at the School

Packet Pickups

Packet pick-up is 7:00-10:00 am at the Elk Rapids High School.
Earlier packet pick-up is not available
Century riders must start by 8:00 am
63 milers must start by 9:00 am
SAG support ends on all routes at 3:00 pm so gauge your ride time accordingly
Parents or guardians must sign a release for riders aged 17 or under
Your wristband is your admission to food stops, the picnic and for SAG support

Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Jul 20 2025 - EVENT: Ride Around Torch