2025 BWR North Carolina

Casa Grande Century

San Tan Century

February 15 2026
Chandler AZ
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Distances: 29, 64, 100 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 400 Participants

Join in on the first century and metric century of the New Year!

The century and metric routes begin through the beautiful Usery Mountain Regional Park to the northeast end of the valley. The century and 29-mile routes take in views of the spectacular San Tan Mountains to the south for the finish. If history repeats itself, the weather will be sunny with a high of 70. What more could you want?

All route tickets provide a hot barbecue meal at the finish. Our SAG stops offer water, fruit, snacks, and more!

There are three route options: A Full Century (100 miles), a Metric Century (64 miles) and 29 miles.

Casa Grande Century

Start Located At: Safeway Foods at 4970 S. Alma School Road, Chandler, Arizona
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Registration for the century or metric century includes lunch. All routes include snacks, port-a-potties, and SAG.

Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
SAG Wagon
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Feed / Aid Stations