2025 BWR North Carolina

Pony Xpress

April 19 2025
Trinidad Colorado USA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 70, 160km
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills

Come discover the challenge’s Pony Express riders faced in the 1860’s. These earliest American racers speed across remote, desolate regions of America. They had to combine speed, endurance, and mental toughness just to stay alive. While at their physical limits, they had to keep a clear mind, to navigate, to read the weather and to manage their food. If they got into trouble, they had only their own wits and fortitude. So come challenge your ability to think and plan under pressure. Success will require the ability to combine speed, endurance, clear thinking and sheer dogged determination. 

The course is made up of gravel county roads that travel northwest Trinidad,Colorado. Each distance has only 10k of blacktop. Unlike Leadville Trail 100 or Rocky Mountain Endurance series,which are loops or out and back, each distance contains mostly new terrain.  Consisting  of rolling foothills, forests and open plains with stunning views of Fisher Peak. At no point do you ride or even cross a state highway. 70% of the course is in tree sheltered or canyon areas that are less susceptible to wind. So it’s unlikely you’ll face the winds of Dirty Kanza. Roads are open to public vehicle traffic as well as cattle (open range). Early portions of the course travel thru historic mining areas including the nationaly recognized  Ludlow memoral. Elevations range from 6,000 feet to 8,800 feet. Typical temps range from 50 degrees at start to 75 degrees mid day. Put away those heavy Dirty Kanza tires. These roads are fine gravel, so lighter tires can be run.  If you hate competing with cars and love riding quiet gravel roads, then this is your event. This course will not disappoint! All participants must have a GPS, as the course is unmarked . A Colorado Gravel Grinder Championships event.

160 Kilometer and 70 Kilometer  timed event with full results. Held on twisty, rolling gravel roads northwest of Trinidad, Colorado.

The PX 160K course is made up of 96% gravel county roads and 4% blacktop county roads that wind throughout northwest Las Animas county. Each distance has only 10 K of blacktop. Unlike the Leadville Trail 100 or Rocky Mountain Endurance series, each distance contains mostly new terrain. Consisting of rolling foothills, forests and open plains with stunning views of Fisher Peak. 70% of the course is in tree sheltered or canyon areas that are less susceptible to wind. So it’s unlikely you’ll face the winds of Dirty Kanza .Roads are open to public vehicle traffic as well as cattle (open range). Much of the course travels thru historic mining areas. In the unlikely possibility of snow, roads will be plowed and ready to race within 24 hours. Elevations range from 6,000 feet to 8,800 feet. Typical temps range from 50 degrees at start to a high of 75 degrees. Put away those heavy Dirty Kanza tires. These roads are fine gravel, so lighter tires can be run. Rain or snow makes the conditions fast. If you hate competing with cars and love riding quiet gravel roads with some double track, then this is your event. This course will not disappoint! All participants must have a GPS, as the course is unmarked and can be downloaded to your GPS.

Road bike, cross bike or mountain bike, which will be faster? You should be able to finish the course on a road bike with wide tires but it will be a challenge - with so little road sections there is little area to make time and you will be slow on most of the course. Cross bikes will do well on the climbs and straight flats. Keep in mind that the course has many twisty sections where mountain bikes tend to be faster. Mountain bikers who set up their bike with light tires should do very well on the descents and on the endless curvy areas. A good tire combo is Schwalbe Thunder Burt rear and Rocket Ron or Racing Ralph front.

Support Crews

Allowed but not required. May only give support at fueling stations. Event will provide drop bag service to first and last fueling station. Support crews will be required to use specified non-race routes to fueling stations .Although we recommend having a support crew , we do not believe that they will provide a distinct advantage.


GPS, working head and tail light (micro light is acceptable), helmet. Maps will be available as a back up. For the 70 K distance, maps should be adequate.

Start Located At: Trinidad, Colorado
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timed event with full results

Prize / Race Categories

Men and Women, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+. No equipment based classes.

Awards and awards ceremony only for 100 Kilometer distance classes. A Colorado Gravel Grinder Championships event .

Course Timing
Results Within 24 Hours
Apr 19 2025 - EVENT: Pony Xpress