2025 L'Etape Slovenia - September 7th

Maah Daah Hey Race Series

Maah Daah Hey

August 02 2025
Watford City North Dakota USA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 26, 54, 79, 106 miles
Difficulty: Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb
Limited to: 300 riders Participants

The Maah Daah Hey 100 Race Course Takes You Across One Of The Most Majestic Singletrack Adventures In The World, With Miles Of Uninterrupted Trail Through The Heart Of The Rugged Badlands. Quitters Need Not Apply.

Experience the unique challenge of racing the entirety of North Dakota’s awe inspring Maah Daah Hey singletrack trail. This event will push competitive riders to their limits while giving every participant an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives. The Badlands provide a truly stunning backdrop for one of North America’s most challenging and rewarding stretches of singetrack. This race is EXTREME death or serious injury could occur, race at your own risk!

Maah Daah Hey Race Series


Start Located At: CCC Campground, Badlands, Watford City, ND 58854
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Aid Stations
Every 25 miles will be an oasis with peppy volunteers ready to help you with food, liquids and anything else you might need. You will have an option to send self-packed drop bags that we will deliver to each of the Aid Stations before the race. Shaded tents, chairs, porta potties and ice cold water are just some of the things you will see, we even have a pressure washer at Aid Station 2 to clean mud off both bikes and riders.Professional EMTs and ambulances are on the course to help keep riders safe and handle emergency situations.

There are about 15 checkpoints where the Maah Daah Hey Trail intersects the “major” back roads of the Western North Dakota Oil Patch. These are really your only “bailout” options on the whole trail, volunteers will be standing by at these points to assist you. There are fewer of these Checkpoints on the first, northern, half of the course. The Checkpoints can be found more frequently on the bottom half of the course, which is a big reason we race the trail from north to south.

River Crossing
You will cross the Little “Muddy” Missouri River about a mile before Aid Station #2. The river bottom is mostly rocky and solid but the water level varies greatly, in August it is usually ankle to knee deep, which is why we do the race when we do. The color of the water in the river resembles the color of chocolate milk. It is cool to the touch and refreshing on the feet and legs, but don’t drink it! Some racers take there shoes off to cross and others put a new pair of shoes and socks in their Aid 2 Drop Bag.
Support And Gear Vehicles

We offer DETAILED turn-by-turn directions for SAG drivers who want to see their racer at all of the 15 checkpoints and 3 Aid Stations. These directions are tried and true and have not failed anyone yet. They will be available on printed sheets of paper at the event, please do NOT request to receive them before then. A map is not necessary but very handy, the best map to use is the “Little Missouri National Grassland Maah Daah Hey Trail” Map. The SAG Route will also be marked with arrows on the back roads to reassure you are on the right track.

Finish Line
You did it! Welcome to the very small group of mountain bikers in the “Maah Daah Hey in a Day Club.” At the finish line in Medora there will be plenty of food, drinks, and stories to share. Dakota Cyclery Bike Shop hosts an after party with free beer and the MDH Race Series Award Ceremony will be held at the finish line just before sunset at about 9:30 CDT. Electronic timing chips will immediately let you know if you beat the course record, made the top ten, or barely made the cut-off time. But either way you rode the “MDHx1day” and that is something to be very very proud of, in fact you have become North Dakota Legendary!


Changing Rooms
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Route Card
First Aid
SAG Wagon
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Free Training Rides
Course Timing
Category / Race Prizes
Finishing Medals
Results Within 24 Hours
Post Ride Shower
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry