Last Grizzly Gravel Stage Race, Utah, Sept 19-21

Guts Gravel Glory

Guts Gravel Glory

August 03 2025
Chesterfield Virginia USA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 19, 50 miles
Difficulty: Gently rolling terrain with one or two short hills

The long event is 50 miles, yet, the race is over once the race winner is finished (all racers will complete their current lap).  Therefore, if you stay on the lead lap you will ride 50.  If you are lapped twice, you will be finished at about 38 miles.  You will compelte your current lap once the winner is finished.  A countdown lap counter, that will be adjusted with the race leader, will be at the start/finish to help you know where you stand. All racers will be credited with finishing the race even if they finish one lap or all 8.  We will post number of laps (miles) and finishing time.  The short race will be 3 laps for all entered.

Aid Station:  Located near the completion of each lap, we will have a water station set up.  This will be a place where water can be refilled and bottle hand-ups will be allowed (bring a friend or teammate to hand you your stuff).  We will not have volunteers there to give handups, so you should bring support if you will need assistance with water refills.

Course map/profile: Guts, Gravel and Glory

Guts Gravel Glory

Start Located At: Pocahontas State Park, 10301 State Park Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
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Race, event pint glass (Be one of the first 100 to register to guarantee a pint glass).

Aug 03 2025 - EVENT: Guts Gravel Glory