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Race Around Austria

Race Around Austria

August 11 - August 17 2025
Oberosterreich Austria
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 1500, 2200km
Difficulty: Ultra Distance and Climbing for events well over 100 miles

Cycle 2,200 kilometers (including 30,000 meters of climbing) NONSTOP once around Austria on streets that run along or near the border - either alone or as part of a team. The Race Around Austria is Austria's last great adventure. You will learn things about yourself that most cyclists can only dream of. No one can successfully complete the Race Around Austria without a team! The crew plays as big a role as the cyclist! The Race Around Austria takes you to places that you otherwise never would have gone to! The Race Around Austria is an unforgettable way to cycle around Austria!

Race Around Austria 1500 Is perfect for everyone who wants to get a taste of the 2200-kilometer Race. Is the "short" loop along the original route of the Race that leaves out the west. Gives you the feel of the classic Race but with fewer meters of climbing (around 17,500). Skips many of the difficult Alpine passes but includes highlights such as the Großglockner! The Race Around Austria 1500 is different from the classic Race Around Austria in that it is a much shorter race. However, the rules for the two races are mostly the same, including those that deal with safety measures, the pre-race inspection, and the need for a crew and a pace car. Therefore, the 1500 is not only ideal for cyclists who want to prepare for the classic Race, but also a great option for anyone who wants to participate in an ultra-cycling event with longer-than-normal breaks.

Race Around Austria

Start Located At: Attergaustraße 21, 4880 Sankt Georgen Im Attergau, Oberosterreich, Austria
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Prize / Race Categories

Race Around Austria CHALLENGE Solo male
Race Around Austria CHALLENGE Solo female

2-person Race Around Austria Team CHALLENGE

Race Around Austria Fever-Tree BUSINESS CHALLENGE

Aug 11 2025 - EVENT: Race Around Austria