2025 TransRockies Gravel Royale


VeloSano Bike to Cure

September 05 - September 06 2025
Cleveland Ohio USA
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Distances: 12, 25, 50, 100, 202 miles
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills

We are extremely grateful for your support and involvement in VeloSano over the years. As you know, Cleveland Clinic's top priority is keeping its patients, caregivers and communities safe and healthy, which is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is with this in mind and after much consideration that the following decisions have been made for 2020:

- "Bike to cure" weekend will evolve into an amazing Virtual VeloSano. While we won't be able to unite in person this summer, we look forward to offering unique and meaningful ways for everyone to engage with us. Whether you're biking, walking, cheering, gardening, etc., we can all still be together virtually the weekend of July 17-19.

- Fundraising will continue, as the need for cancer research is more important than ever. However, for this year, we are removing the obligation to meet fundraising minimums.

Over the past six years, we have achieved remarkable accomplishments together and have provided hope and created advances in cancer research. Our Living Hope cancer community has dealt with challenge and adversity more than most. During these unprecedented times, it's more important than ever that we continue to work together, to support each other, to unify through hope and to persevere.

What will Virtual VeloSano look like? It's in the works, and we'd love your help! We invite you to share your ideas for how to make our virtual experience as fun and interactive as possible, as well as to share which aspects of "Bike to cure" weekend you hope we can maintain in some way. Please click here to share your thoughts.

We will continue to provide opportunities to support you and your team's fundraising. In the weeks ahead, we look forward to announcing the full details for what will be an extraordinary Virtual VeloSano this July.


Start Located At: 1 St. Clair Ave NE, Cleveland, OH 44114
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Registration fee includes two (2) tickets to the Kickoff Party on Friday, July 29, all you can eat/drink during event weekend, VeloSano bike jersey for 25-mile Riders and above (12-mile Fun Riders receive a VeloSano Sports Performance tee), Rest Stops, Support-and-Gear vehicles along the route, Safety (Police, Course Marshals, etc.), and more.

Changing Rooms
Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Route Card
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Feed / Aid Stations
Pre Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry