2025 Vermont Gran Fondo


Greg's Cycle For Kids

September 14 2025
Milton Ontario Canada
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Distances: 50, 100, 160km
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 500 or less Participants

Close your eyes.

Can you see your first bike? Yes, you can. We all can.

We remember how it made us feel, how learning to ride felt like magic – and how our bike became the gift that brought us to new heights and new places opening a world of opportunity. As we got older our bikes took us to school, allowed us to access our neighborhoods and our communities in new ways. Our bikes brought us to baseball practice, swimming lessons, rides to the beach with friends – and to our first summer job.

For so many of us riding a bike and owning a bike were rites of passage. Sadly, today, there are many kids who don’t have access to a bike because their parents can’t afford one. With so many priorities demanding attention, the dream of owning and riding a bike is simply out of reach to many kids.

Until now.

Greg’s Cycle for Kids gives each of us a powerful opportunity to make a game-changing difference in the life of a child by giving them the gift of freedom, independence and healthy habits for life. Because that’s what bikes do.

Proceeds from the event will go to be used to purchase bikes, helmets, locks and to provide cycling instruction for kids in priority neighborhoods, through a partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Halton and Hamilton. Bike racks for the Club will also be installed. Partners in law enforcement will assist with cycling instruction. Lessons will be hosted on-site at the Club.

The Share the Road Cycling Coalition is proud to host Greg’s Cycle for Kids in memory of OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart killed while on a training ride on his bike in 2006. The Coalition was founded in Greg’s memory – and has held this memorial Ride every year to support their work: creating bicycle friendly communities with partners and community leaders, passing road safety legislation and working to make our road across Ontario, safer. Proceeds from this year’s event will also support Share the Road’s work.

Join us at Greg’s Cycle for Kids and help us make the dream of owning a bike a reality for children in Halton Region and Hamilton.

On September 19th and 20th come ride with us in Milton and experience cycling in the Hills of Halton Region. This socially-together, physically-distant event prioritizes safety and will depart from the spacious Country Heritage Park.

The Ride takes place over two days and consistent with public health guidelines is open to a maximum of 95 riders per day. Participants will register for a specific time and will depart at intervals in groups of a maximum of 10*. You will ride with partners of your choice. Your minimum $100 fee gets you a choice of 160 and 100 Km routes on the Saturday and Sunday, with the addition of a 50 Km route on Sunday.

Due to Covid-19, this event will be GPS supported only (no course marking), with two supported rest stops on the 160 Km route and one on the 100 km route. A boxed lunch will be waiting for you post-ride.  We will provide .gpx files to all participants the week before the ride.  If you do not have a GPS supported device we can pair you with someone. Please contact adam@chicoracing.com if you have questions.

*Within groups of 10 we will separate the riders into their own bubbles and send them off separately. Start times are approximate only as this event is not timed. The purpose of sending riders off in waves is to avoid groups of cyclists outside of their own bubbles.

See the routes here:

50 Km Route

100 Km Route

160 Km Route

Gregs Cycle For Kids

Start Located At: Country Heritage Park 8560 Tremaine Rd, Milton, ON L9T 2X3
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Start Times:

Saturday, September 19

7 am - Registration opens

8 am - 9 am 160 Km rides leave

9:10 am - 10 am 100 Km rides leave

Sunday, September 20

7 am  - Registration opens

8 am - 8:40 am 160 Km rides leave

8:50 am - 9:30 am 100 Km rides leave

9:40 am - 10:00 am 50 Km rides leave

Event Start Location:

Country Heritage Park

Registration Fees

We are offering 3 ride distances in Hamilton and area, Ontario: 8km ($45), 37km ($80), and 77km ($110). Distances are approximate and subject to small changes.


$100 ride donation includes:

GPX file of ride.

Police supported routes.

Aid stations with food/refreshments (2 for 160 Km, 1 for 100 Km).

Sag wagon and technical support.

Boxed premium lunch at the finish line.

Premium experience supporting Share the Road's initiative to get underprivileged kids cycling.

Packet Pickups

On-line registration. No day-of registration due to Covid-19. 

Changing Rooms
Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Route Card
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Roving Mechanical Support
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry