Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025

4G (Great Gator Gravel Grinder)

4G (Great Gator Gravel Grinder)

March 23 2025
Homestead, Florida, USA
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Distances: 32, 62 miles
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 500 or less Participants

The 4G (Great Gator Gravel Grinder) is the southern-most un-southern gravel grinder in the U.S. of A.

Both courses, either the 32 mile or 62 mile, will offer up some of the most varied terrain South Florida has to offer. From gravel canal access roads, dirt farm and rural roads, rugged water management access roads all with minimal pavement involved. Each course will have riders seeing area they may never encounter anywhere in the states.

This is a fundraising event so all proceeds collected will go to benefit Radio Lollipop at Nicklaus Childrens Hospital in Miami. These donations are given in Meagan Wentworths name. Meagan was a freind and co-worker of mine who passed away in March of 2014. She gave so much of herself as a volunteer for Radio Lollipop and asked that any fundraising we did in her name would go to this organization. 

It’s back for the  fifth consecutive year: The 4G is the southernmost un-southern gravel ride and the uttermost unique ride of its kind in South Florida. The route covers the Gator’s share (or should we say Python’s share these days?) of remote areas you can find in the Miami-Dade area, featuring canals and access roads with very little pavement involved. We strongly recommend running nothing more narrow than a 40c tire as some of the paths along the route can be quite demanding.

4G (Great Gator Gravel Grinder)

Start Located At: Plaza Licenciado Benito Juarez Park 19825 SW 376th St, Homestead, Florida 33034
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Alert Us

Meet up and sign in at 8a.m.

62 mile riders will depart at 8:45a.m.

32 mile riders will depart at 9:00a.m.

Registration Fees

$20.00 minimum donation for pre-register and $35.00 day of event registers, going to Radio Lollipop.


100% of the entry fee is donated to Radio Lollipop.

Packet Pickups

At event.

Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Feed / Aid Stations