Farm to Fork Fitness Advetures - Find out More!

Zuid Veluwe

Zuid Veluwe

February 28 2026
Bennekom Netherlands
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Distances: 100km
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

On the day that the professional opens the season in the Omloop Het Nieuwsblad, including the Wall of Geraardsbergen, the Versnellertje Ochten organizes the first tour of the new cycling season.

The Versnellertje has a 100 kilometer long tour of the Veluwe landscape. From the start and finish location, the route takes place through a new route through the Betuwe landscape, Richting Doorwerth. Get to know the Italian road. A beautiful vowel road twists through the forest through two hairpin turns upwards. You get a little 'feeling the Flemish' on this climber.

After Doorwerth the route takes place along the beautiful roads of the Veluwe landscape. Halfway through the tour there is a checkpoint.

Fifteen kilometers before the finish you can test your own legs and the legs of your cycling friends on a few short cliffs in the Rhenian forest.

Zuid Veluwe

Start Located At: Dodewaardse Ice Club Bonegraafseweg 22 Dodewaard
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Registration Fees

Registration fee: € 7, -
NTFU members: € 5, -
Pre-registration € 1, - discount
Day registration also possible


• Route fully outdated
• Shower and changing facilities available
• Quick start with Scan & Go
• Start time: 09:00 - 10:00
• GPS track available, see GPS
