2025 TransRockies Gravel Royale

Skull Gravel Grinder

June 14 2025
Burns Oregon USA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 30, 60, 120 miles
Difficulty: Ultra Distance and Climbing for events well over 100 miles
Harney County is home to endless opportunity for the self-sufficient backcountry traveler. Visitors who seek challenge and solitude will find these in abundance.

The Skull 120/60/30 Gravel Grind route highlights the county's rugged character which sets rural #EasternOregon apart from the rest of the nation. From long mountainous ascents, to teeth-chattering and eye watering descents, breathtaking vistas, open rangeland, alpine forests, two stream crossings, and - of course - cattle guard after cattle guard, this gravel grind is a feat to finish and a testament to the rider's grit and determination.

Routes traverse miles of Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service public lands, official partners of the Skull 120/60/30.

This is a not-for-profit event. The vast majority of registration fees cover the cost of administering this race. Additional proceeds benefit the Harney County Chamber of Commerce. Please consider extending your stay in Harney County and enjoying the large swath of public lands to adventure in.

2022 is a big year for us- we're hoping to expand our offerings for a full weekend of events for the whole family. Follow our Facebook Page Adventure Harney for up to date information and events as they are added. We look forward to seeing you in June!
Skull 120 Gravel Fondo
Start Located At: Triangle park, Burns, Oregon 97720
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Jun 14 2025 - EVENT: Skull Gravel Grinder