e-Fondo Series - Get Fit Now!

Nibelungen Gravel Ride

Nibelungen Gravel Ride

June 28 2025
Worms Germany
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 70, 100, 120, 140km
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs
Limited to: 300 Participants

Routes from 70 to 140 kms planned, with anywhere from 300 to 1.700 metres of climbing.

Rewe Rodriguez from worms will provide free drinks as well as fruit and bars for all participants at Hopefully, everyone will be able to enjoy the route even more.

Limited parking spaces available! Alternative Parking spaces at the worms fairground about 3 km away.

Everyone rides for themselves and at their own risk!

If you don't have a GPS, he's working with others who have a GPS.

Everyone drives as fast or slow as he wants. It would be particularly nice if we could go to small groups.

Tyres: at least 32 mm wide

Translations: Compact Crank / cross crank (46 / 35) and cassette to at least 27 teeth, replacement hoses, pump, possibly carrier and minitool should be
• It is not a race, but a private noise ride without timings, placement or winner!
• Participation is at your own risk, there are no companions or guides responsible for the participants!
• All participants undertake to comply with the traffic rules and behave with respect to other road users.
• the wearing of a helmet is urgent!
• Liability for damage to material or third parties lies with each participant!

Nibelungen Gravel Ride

Start Located At: Pit-Pat Gelände, 67547 Worms, Mainzer Strasse 155, Worms, Mainzerstrasse
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track, food and a lot of fun, best german gravel ride

Finishing Medals
Post Ride Shower
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry