2025 L'Etape Denmark - June 28th

SingleTrack Samurai Productions

The Tally Tango

October 05 2025
Tallahassee FL
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Distances: 177, 234, 277 miles
Difficulty: Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb

The Tallahassee Tango 160 is the first ultra endurance ITT in the Florida panhandle centered around the state capital’s finest singletrack as well as surrounding scenic double track, coastal levees, and forest roads.

The Tango 177 Takes riders through the Aucilla Singletrack and offers riders options to see some of Florida's Finest Rapids.

The Tango 277 Features all the awesomeness of the 177 route but offers riders a chance to go through Tate's Hell and Back!

The Tango Original, before the addition of the Aucilla singletrack, this route offers many of the same features of the 177 route, just bypasses Aucilla.

The Tango LiTe is a mostly Gravel Route option for those riders wanting to see this beautiful area and avoid 99% of the singletrack found on the original route. LiTe does not mean easy. Route mileage is estimated at 234 miles.

We are asking for a 45$ Donation that will net all participants a patch, a route guide, gpx, and a waypoint resource file. There will also be a well-stocked Samurai Camp Saturday night, offering riders a chance to party in the woods at no additional cost.

Riders can also Register as a TEAM. TEAM Riders register individually, and when it comes time to register for trackleaders, that is when you submit your team information. Team riders and team riders can only share resources and draft off each other. There is a separate qualification for the team category.

Cross Florida Individual Time Trial

Start Located At: Weems Road Mini Trailhead Parking lot 3430 Weems Rd Tallahassee, FL 32317
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