Tour de Whatcom - September 14th, 2025

La Indurain

July 19 2025
Villava Spain
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Distances: 100, 180 km
Difficulty: Moderate terrain with rolling short steep hills or moderate, sustained climbs

La Indurain is a race designed for all those who want to enjoy a cycling day accompanied by Miguel Indurain. Spend a day with the champion of 5 Tours and 2 Giros is an incredible experience, but also, being able to do it through the forests and roads through which Miguel trains is a unique opportunity.

The long course. The main attraction of this route is its hard altimetry along with its spectacular landscapes, formed by 180 km and a positive accumulated slope of 3133m, offers two ascents of 3rd Category, one of 2nd and three demanding ascents of 1st. Along the route, cyclists can enjoy 3 supplies for the cyclist.

The short course. Allows you to roll through one of the most forested areas of Navarra and enjoy the landscapes offered by the towns of Aoiz, Olaldea, Mezquiriz, Erro, Zubiri, Huarte and Villava through 100 km of travel and a accumulated altimetry of 1452m that includes two ascents of 3rd Category and one of 2nd. In addition, 2 supplies are offered to all cyclists, one in the town of Olaldea and the other in the upper Erro.

La Indurain

Start Located At: Villava, Spain
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