2025 L'Etape Slovenia - September 7th


Ultimate Pyrenees Pursuit

September 14 - September 25 2025
BagnèresdeBigorre France
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Distances: 2300km, 2700km
Difficulty: Ultra Distance and Climbing for events well over 100 miles
Limited to: 100 Participants

The 2021 Ultimate Pyrenees Pursuit combines the best of the Catalan and Basque Pursuits into a single event—equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest six times over 2,700km…

Imagine climbing over 66,000 meters of elevation over a distance of only 2,700 km!

To put things into perspective, this is more elevation gain than the entire Trans Am race over just a third of its distance. It’s like climbing Mt. Everest over six times from sea level!

Set entirely in the Pyrenees, it’s the most spectacular and challenging mountain road bikepacking ride you’ll ever do! But will you be able to cross the finish line?

Most people will choose our shorter Basque Pursuit (Sept 19) and Catalan Pursuit (Sept 24) events. But if you love climbing mountains and want to explore your limits, the Ultimate Pyrenees Pursuit will come as a revelation.

This is a bikepacking event. The clock doesn't stop until you cross the finish. It's a self-sufficient event. 

Visit www.ultrabikepursuit.com for more information and to read the 2020 event blogs.

Ultimate Pyrenees Pursuit

Start Located At: 3 bis Av. du Maquis de Payolle Bagnères-de-Bigorre 65200
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up to 11 days and 12 hours (276 hrs)
You'll ride all the major climbs of the French, Spanish and Andorran Pyrenees.

Registration Fees

349 Euros - Early bird registrations (50 Euros discount March 15 - contact us)


2700 km spectacular itinerary
Detailed GPX files
Live satellite tracking
Finisher T-Shirt
Finisher Medal

Packet Pickups

September 18th, Start/finish location

Prize / Race Categories

Solo and pairs (no teams)
Finisher T-Shirt
Finisher Medal

Pre-Packet Pickups
Finishing Medals
Results Within 24 Hours
Downloadable GPS files