GFNY Colonia

November 02, 2025 - Colonia Uruguay
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GFNY Uruguay - Colonia presents two distance options: a long route of 153.2 km and 781 m elevation and a non-competitive medium route of 87.2 km with 670m elevation. The topography does not impose decisive climbs, forecasting a compact peloton through a good part of the race, and a fast race. The usual winds of the Uruguayan coastline may be of key importance on the outcome.

Both courses share the first 45 Km through olive groves, vineyards and cattle country. It's the generous, natural environment of the Uruguay River's East bank, home of several iconic landmarks of the historic heritage of European settlers that set forth the very best dairy production of the region.

Routes: 87, 153 km
Difficulty of Greatest Route: D - Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time (MST)
What's Included?

Riders will have Aid Stations along the routes, with water, isotonic beverages, fruit, cereal bars, energetic gel, etc.
Medical Assistance
Light technical support: shift adjustement, inner tube replacement, CO2 bottles, etc. In case of necessary parts replacement, the rider will be charged for parts only.
Portable toilets.
Waste baskets.
GFNY URUGUAY will set information signs along both routes, such as: distance to Aid Stations, KMs past and to-go, potential hazards, special attention spots & crossroads.

Prize / Race Categories

Corrals are set by category, which is ordered by rider's age by December 31st, 2016. Personal numbers come in colors assigned by category.

CATEGORY 1 - age    18 to 39  - Corral 1
CATEGORY 2 -  age   40 to 44 - Corral 2
CATEGORY   3  - age  45 to 49  - Corral 3
CATEGORY   4  - age 50 to 54  - Corral 4
CATEGORY   5  - age  55 to 59  - Corral 5
CATEGORY   6  - age  60 to 64  - Corral 6Z
CATEGORY 7 - age  65 to 69 - Corral 7
CATEGORY 8  - age  70 to 74  - Corral 8
CATEGORY   9 - age     75+   - Corral 9
under 90 him&her: times of a mixed gender team added. -   Corral 9 front
90 and over him&her: times of a mixed gender team added.- Corral 9 rear
4 rider teams -  use the corral corresponding to the oldest rider’s category.
MEDIO FONDO – Corral 10.

Adequate Car Parking
Free Parking
Toilets / Changing Rooms
Sign On Desk
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
First Aid
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Controlled Intersections
Roving Mechanical Support
Neutral Support Vehicles
Mechanical Support at Rest Stops
Category / Race Prizes
Finishing Medals
Results Within 24 Hours
Personalised Bib (Name and QR Code)
Downloadable GPS files
Finish Line Chute
Feed / Aid Stations
Event Size
2,000 – 4,999
Event Links