Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025
United States >> Gran Fondo Mount-Tremblant

1,000 Riders took on Gran Fondo Mount-Tremblant

Over 1,000 cyclists took part in the Gran Fondo Mont-Tremblant on May 31st.
A huge success for the event which is only in its second edition. Last year  320 riders took the start. The number of participants has tripled. What makes it extremely proud Simon St- Arnaud , the organiser of the Gran Fondo . "We are positioning ourselves as a cycling destination. The Gran Fondo , through its public nature , attracts a different clientele cyclists and allows him to better understand the region."
The Gran Fondo route of 125 km is a very hilly and winding, starting from the Mont -Tremblant through Brébeuf , Amherst, Huberdeau, Arundel, Saint -Jovite sector of Mont- Tremblant, Lac-Supérieur and Val -des-Lacs , before returning back to the ski station . Two shorter routes travel along the same course , the Medio Fondo (80 km) and Molo Fondo (45 km ) were also available for less experienced cyclists . The longer Gran Fondo route that has been the most popular (about 500 entries), surprisingly , at the beginning of the season.
Effective organization
The organization of the Gran Fondo was praised by the participants. Good comments rang out from riders on finishing the event. Several said they appreciated the fact that the platoons were opened and closed by police motorcycles . Refueling points were managed skillfully . The Ministry of Transport of Quebec had properly installed signage to guide road users and inform them of the proposed optional routes to avoid delays caused by the passage of cyclists.
The professional preparation of the organizers certainly played to the fact that no unfortunate incidents occurred on three courses . A few minor falls were identified , but no one was seriously injured . Joel Gregory, who oversaw a group of cyclists on the Medio Fondo , said he was struck by the respect motoristsg gave participants. "The drivers waited patiently , and didn't see any dangerous maneuvers by drivers avoiding cyclists. We must thank them for being so accomodating" he said. Mr. Gregory also praised Luc Couillard , the designer of the courses, as he said they only had positive feedback about the routes taken .
The organizer Simon St- Arnaud said in confidence "due to the great success of the 2014 edition , we can attract up to 2000 participants for the Gran Fondo next year. We can say after two editions of the event we had reached a measured success". He thanked partners, the City of Mont- Tremblant Station and in particular, which made the success of the project possible and kept the most important praise for last: "A big thank you to our volunteers".

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1,000 Riders took on Gran Fondo Mount-Tremblant