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United States >> 1,700 Cyclists Took Part in 4th Annual MSU Gran Fondo

1,700 Cyclists Took Part in 4th Annual MSU Gran Fondo

The event benefits skin cancer research, prevention and awareness brought forth by the Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine. The event has raised over $470,000 dollars towards skin cancer prevention in previous years.

This years ride saw well known radio personality Eric Zane take part to raise money. Ex Pro cyclist and cycling commentator Bob Roll also took part.

In light of the recent Kalamazoo Cycling Tragedy, last Saturday’s non-competitive ride throughout West Michigan took on a deeper, more significant meaning. 

The MSU Gran Fondo was named one of America's top Gran Fondo's for 2016.

“I’m overwhelmed at the response, number one. We have more participants this year than the previous three years. We have raised more funds and like you said, given the tragedy over the last of weeks with cyclists really around the community and the state. It’s amazing that these people come out and support themselves, which is a great thing,” said Lou Candiotti, MSU Gran Fondo Event Director.

2016 Gran Fondo MSU results - http://georesults.racemine.com/Igniteyoureventcom/events/2016/MSU-Gran-Fondo/results

1,700 Cyclists Took Part in 4th Annual MSU Gran Fondo